Automated Website Security Testing Blog
Learn from the experts about website security testing

PurpleRidge is Ideal for All Organizations to Verify Their Web Applications are Secure?
Today, web applications and web sites are essential to successful operation of an organization and its ability to engage customers and generate awareness and support customers. Nearly all businesses and government agencies use publicly available web pages to advertise...

Why Pay for Monthly Website Security Testing as “Insurance” If You have No Security Vulnerabilities?
I really enjoy driving my car, especially on a scenic highway with the windows open and the wind in my hair. But I have to tell you, I don’t enjoy paying for car insurance. Or any insurance for that matter. Most of us rarely, if ever, actually make use of our...

How Every SMB Can Easily Self-Conduct Automated Website Security Testing
You may be familiar with subscription vulnerability scanning services that examine software behaviors, variables, and configurations. The scanning is conducted periodically to identify flaws or weaknesses in digital environments by simulating known attack techniques...

Tag, You’re It! When Hackers Tag Your Website, They’re Not Playing Around
Playing tag as a kid was always fun, unless you were the one tagged! The chase might be short or lengthy depending upon the speed and maneuvers of your opponents. But win or lose, it was exhausting and harmless entertainment. When a website is tagged by a hacker’s...

A Lack of Technical Resources Shouldn’t Put Your Website and Business at Risk
Do you ever wonder why cybersecurity costs continue to escalate, while quality seems to get worse? You know the old adage, “You get what you pay for.†Conventional wisdom dictates, if you want a high-quality product or service, you have to pay more for it....